
What is proton therapy?

Proton therapy is a type of radiation therapy, which is among the most commonly used treatments for cancer. Like all radiation therapy, proton therapy uses an intense beam of high-energy particles to destroy cancer cells. While traditional radiation therapy uses photons (x-rays) to do this, proton therapy uses a beam of protons. Proton therapy has been FDA approved for cancer care since 1988.

What is the advantage of using protons for radiation?

Protons are just as effective as photons for destroying cancer cells, but proton particles operate a bit differently. Once a proton beam reaches the tumor it’s targeting, it stops, preventing healthy tissues nearby from receiving radiation. Get the facts about proton therapy’s benefits.

What types of cancers can be treated with proton therapy?

Proton therapy is well suited for solid tumors located in one part of the body (localized tumors). Treatment is especially helpful for tumors in or near vital organs, cancers that have come back (recurrence), and a variety of pediatric cancers. Find out which cancers are good candidates for proton therapy.

Why isn’t proton therapy available everywhere?

Although proton therapy is not a new technology, it does require sophisticated, specialized equipment. As of 2019, proton therapy is available at fewer than 30 proton therapy centers nationwide. MPTC is the only proton center in the state, and patients travel from around the country and world to be treated by our expert team. Learn why patients are choosing MPTC.

Ready to find out if proton therapy is right for you? Call 410-369-5200 or fill out the form below to schedule your consultation with our expert team.


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Our team at the Maryland Proton Treatment Center is dedicated to helping you navigate your journey through treatment. After a cancer diagnosis, you may understandably have a lot of questions and we’re here to answer all of them.

To see if proton therapy is right for you, request a consultation by completing the form below. It should only take about 3 minutes to complete.

Once you complete the form, you will receive a call within two business days from our front desk (410-442-6486).