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Joseph Sines, Prostate Patient

Joseph Sines of Oakland, Maryland is a real outdoorsman – he enjoys hiking, hunting, riding his 4-wheeler, farming and horseback Joseph Sines Prostate Cancer Patient Maryland Proton Treatment Centerriding. Fortunately for him, the Maryland Proton Treatment Center (MPTC) Executive Director is an outdoorsman too.

William F. Regine, MD, FACR, FACRO, the Isadore and Fannie Schneider Foxman Chair and Professor of Radiation Oncology at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, and the Executive Director of MPTC, owns property in Oakland, and he goes there to explore the great outdoors with a few friends.

It just so happens that Dr. Regine and Joseph have a mutual friend. Joseph’s friend knew that he was diagnosed with prostate cancer and encouraged Joseph to talk to Dr. Regine about proton therapy.

When Joseph learned that proton therapy can target the tumor with high doses of radiation without damaging nearby organs, he decided it was the right treatment for him.

In May 2016, Joseph began coming to MPTC under the care of Dr. Zeljko Vujaskovic, known to his patients as “Dr. V.”

“Because the prostate is located close to the bladder, bowel, and reproductive organs, men receiving traditional radiation therapy may experience side effects in those areas. Proton therapy offers a significant benefit to prostate patients such as Joseph,” Dr. Vujaskovic says.

“I feel like I’m the luckiest guy here,” Joseph says. “I was diagnosed over a year ago and decided to wait and see. If I had been treated then, I would not have received proton therapy.”

While Joseph says he prefers the trees of Oakland to the buildings of Baltimore, he has enjoyed exploring the local restaurants with his wife, Sue. They especially enjoy local crab cakes, which they tried based on the recommendation of Nurse Manager Cortney Carnaggio.

Joseph’s message to others who are diagnosed with prostate cancer: “Research your options. Had it not been for Dr. Regine, we would not have known about this.”

When Joseph completes his treatment, he looks forward to enjoying the Maryland fall and going to Florida for the winter. He and Sue plan to come back to Maryland in February, as they are expecting a grandchild.


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